Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, November 2, 2024
One Must Understand the Importance of the Eucharist, This My Children Is the Key That Unlocks the Entrance into My Kingdom of the Divine Will
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, Apostolate of Mercy in USA on October 18, 2024

Today daughter I will speak about the Eucharist – My presence amongst you. I am the light of the world and whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life (John 8:12) and live in My kingdom to come.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
One must understand the importance of the Eucharist, this My children is the key that unlocks the entrance into My kingdom of the Divine Will. One must believe that I am truly present in this bread from Heaven, for there I reside, body, blood, soul and divinity, one true presence and there resides the Father and the Holy Spirit. We are present before you today children, think, contemplate and ask yourself this question. How is it possible that Christ is present, living and breathing in this piece of bread substance?
I AM present and there I AM placed in the hands of My priests thru transubstantiation, in this one act of love for humanity, I become a living flame of love. Yes, this act of love gives you everything you need to become one with Me, this My children is food for the soul in My Will. I am present in this act to you to explain My way of becoming nourishment, a particle of love, and an act of My Will. I nurture the soul, I give love to the soul and I place My Will in the soul through this Eucharistic presence in these 3 things.
So, why do others not believe? They do not believe because they do not know, for the church has not taught My children properly. This is My request TELL MY CHILDREN I AM TRULY PRESENT IN THE EUCHARIST. Teach them that this will be their life source for the days ahead, the importance of knowing My presence will be a life changing experience for souls and I will bring forth a great Eucharistic miracle to My people, a miracle that no one will deny, even My protestant children will come to believe. This My children is a great act of My Will for humanity. I wait, I listen and I will respond to you My children. Pray for humanity in the *Eucharistic Rounds of My Divine Will, for I will answer your prayers. I love the words that are Luisa’s words in the Divine Will, pray Luisa’s Eucharistic Rounds, as you are reciting them you are acting in them. I am with you always in the Eucharist.
Jesus, your Crucified King.
*Link to: The Rounds of the Soul in the Eucharist
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